Darren's Blog

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Using locally powered LLM in your favorite Jetbrains IDEs

I've recently found a good setup for using locally powered LLMs in the IDEs I use every day. Specifically, I almost exclusively use Jetbrains IDEs like Rider, WebStorm, PyCharm, etc. After building a large chunk of my own LLM integration for these IDEs, I have finally found a setup that I wanted via the Open Source plugin called CodeGPT. In this guide, I'll walk you through the steps on how I int ...

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Starting a Homelab

I recently build my own homelab using a Dell T7910. Compared to a similar AWS setup, it cost me less to purchase than a single AWS monthly bill. AWS is raking in the profits, if you have to use AWS for large compute, upgrade instance type as much as possible. I intend to try and power my server using 100% home generated solar, will try to post projects at homelab.solar domain. Cloud VS Homelab ...

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SQLite with Litestream has little to no downside

It might sound cynical, but it isn't often a new piece of software comes a long, and I'm immediately won over. SQLite SQLite's utility when it comes to proof of concept or testing environments has been something I've been leaning on for a number of years. For example, in any demo, personal project, it is my default choice simply because it is easy to use, and embedded right into your application ...

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Most Crypto Projects are a Scam

If you've seen much of twitter at all, you will know pretty quickly I don't like cryptocurrencies. To be clear, I don't hate the technology behind cryptocurrencies. Cryptography is an extremely useful bit of maths that enables a lot of what we do on the internet long before the term "cryptocurrency" was common place. Distributed databases are an interesting problem. Decentralized systems have fas ...

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New blog, migrating from Blogger

It has been over 10 years since I started blogging on a few technical/software related topics. Having my blog tied to a platform like Blogger didn't really encourage me to do anything with it, so I'm finally getting around to starting the blog a new and try to document the process of migration if anyone else wants to do the same. Markdown from HTML Thankfully most platforms do provide an API to ...

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