Demis Bellot recently responded to a question going into depth why a message based architecture approach works, I wanted to add this post to highlight how this approach is paying dividends for reuse across frameworks, languages and runtimes and empowering polyglot developers to build rich strongly typed clients in a simpler way. A common story for ASP.NET developers For the first few years of my ...
Read moreOver the past year I've been lucky enough to work at ServiceStack focusing on continuously improving the developer experience for developers using ServiceStack. A part of this role, I was tasked with improving developer workflows for multiple IDEs by integrating ServiceStack's Native Types feature for all major IDEs. Though all IDEs tend to grapple with the same or similar constructs (projects, fi ...
Read moreOver the past couple of months, I've been spending more time with Dart and trying to get my head around how to use it in my current set of favourite tools and workflows. I've also been working on a site to share and collaborate on Tiled map editor maps called 'TiledStack'. The site is currently written in AngularJS and I have ~80% of the functionality I want the site to have is done. The site is n ...
Read moreA couple of days ago at work, I was thinking about how we might reduce number of errors and avoid some of the more repetitious code that we were writing. I've known about Visual Studio templates for a while but never bothered to look into them. Code generation (even though I've written T4 templates and the like) is something I tend to shy away from as they can becomes brittle quite quickly. So de ...
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